Friday, May 15, 2009

Am I Dreaming?

I know it's not easy to see, but there is definately a line! I can't really believe it. I tested yesterday morning 9dp3dt and had a faint, faint, faint line on a FRER. I wasn't sure if it was a positive, evaporation line, ghosting, etc even though I saw something within the 10 minute window. I tried to take a picture, but it's so faint that it's not visible.

I took another FRER and had better results in the afternoon, but also super faint. I went out and bought a Target brand test and it gave me a positive right away, so I'm pretty sure it's not just my imagination. ;)

I still can't believe I've gotten to this point. I've NEVER had a positive, EVER!

I took another FRER and Target test this morning. The FRER wasn't as dark as yesterday and the Target brand was the same. I'm trying not to obsess over the lightness/darkness of the lines. I know different tests can have different sensitivities and a line is a line.

My beta is tomorrow. I'm cautiously optomistic, but nervous of course. This is our last and only chance at a biological child, so I'm praying for a good outcome.

Thankyou to everyone who has been cheering me on!


Anonymous said...

OMGOSH YIPPPPPEEEE!!!!! I can see it plain as day!!! I am so BEYOND THRILLED for you!!!!! Can't wait to hear your Beta!! Sending ((Hugs))! Yipppppeeee!!


satto said...

Woohoo!!! THere is Definitely a line there! A BEAUTIFUL line! Good luck with Beta tomorrow. Enjoy this!

Kate said...

Good luck with your beta tomorrow. I can definitely see the line - clear as day! Cograts!

Barb said...

WAHOOOOOO! Enjoy what you can while you can!

Soapchick said...

It looks like a line to me. Hopefully it's just implanting and so that's why the line isn't too dark yet. Praying for an AWESOME beta tomorrow!

Kristi @ Kristi's Recipe Box said...

I can see it! Woohoo!

Soapchick said...

Stephanie - I'm dying here - what was your beta?

Barb said...

Any news sweetie?